Every Churchgoer is well aware of the 4 Gospels and most of the believers must have read all the Gospels cover to cover. Each Gospel has revelation Here Jesus wants to read the 5th Gospel, which is called the about “ME”. The psalmist mentions about a “Book” in which the members of each of you is written- Psalm 139:16. Romans 2:6 is clear on the “Accounting” of works part, which either Jesus remembers or is noted down. Cannot be more explicit about keeping your “Account” as Psalmist says in Psalm 56:8 “You keep track of all my sorrows. You have collected all my tears in your bottle. You have recorded each one in your book.”
Let’s face it, let your life be a book of unrighteousness or the 5th Gospel, your experience, your story, your walk with God.
Author: Ajit Onawale