This is a parable from which we can draw parallels and take heed that we do not fit into the description of the hypocrite servant. In doing so, we see here, the man is already a “servant” of the master. The parable is not talking about an outsider, very much “servant”(insider) who may have gone through a selection procedure which at that time was very stringent. He may have served the master for some time and must be well versed with the rules and regulations of the house. He must be well aware of all the Laws of the house. This was the servant, who had the title, but failed in the test.
Account keeping seems to be a problem which this servant. He neither kept a proper account of his master and nor did he keep on a check of his money which he lent. By law, the hypocrite servant deserved punishment, and so his fellow servant. But instead we see that he received forgiveness and Grace from the Master when he pleaded for patience. Now this same servant showed the law to his fellow servant when he was required to show grace and patience.
Points to Ponder:
- Do I forgive as My Lord has forgiven me?
- Do I demonstrate Grace and Mercy to others as the Lord has demonstrated Grace and Mercy to me? Especially to those who go through similar trials that I have gone through?
- Do I bear patiently and tarry with others as the Lord Himself tarried with me?
Author: Ajit Onawale