To some He is only a Messiah; to some He is a Friend, to some He is a Teacher. He became what people allowed Him to be in their lives.
Years ago someone asked me what does Jesus mean to you? I was not expecting this question, it was sudden. I answered and said “everything”. I, myself was surprised by the answer because, I didn’t know where it came from. It was; as if my spirit leapt and answered the question instantaneously, like a reflex action.
Our mind will not know most of the times what our spirit believes about Lord Jesus Christ and Father in heaven. But when we allow the spirit to confess with our mouth the beliefs we hold about Jesus Christ, it opens the door for the Lord to move mightily and powerfully in our lives. Our confession is like an open declaration to the entire creation that we accept HIS authority over us.
Confess with your words, what does He mean to you while there is time…
Author: Shivani