
March 2021

Voice of the Cross – Part 7

“Father, into Thy hands I commend My spirit.” — Luke 23:46 It was the last sentence on the cross and after saying this, He breathed His last. Jesus himself has put His Spirit in the hands of the Father. In John 10:7-18, we read that Jesus is teaching his disciple using the Good Shepherd paradigm.…

Voice of the Cross – Part 6

“It is finished.” — John 19:30 When did it begin? What began? This question is bound to come to anyone who is pondering on this sentence. Chapter one of the Gospel according to John gives us the entire plan. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was…

Voice of the Cross – Part 5

“I thirst.” — John 19:28 As I was meditating on this verse, I went through mixed feelings. As a first reaction I went on the obvious and peripheral interpretation. This was a very natural, obvious condition of someone who has gone through so much of physical stress. Being thirsty must have been a sign of…

Voice of the Cross- Part 4

My God, my God, why have You forsaken me? Why are You so far from my deliverance, and from my words of groaning? Psalm 22:1 “My God, my God, why hast Thou forsaken Me?” Mark 15:34 Psalm 22 is such a parallel to the day of Jesus’ Crucifixion to the extent that, in my view,…

Voice of the Cross – Part 3

“Woman, behold thy Son.” — John 19:26 The first and most obvious interpretation of this verse is that Jesus was a responsible son and took care of His mother on earth. This is true, but I have a little different view. I feel that the voice of the cross was meant for a much larger…

Voice of the Cross – Part 2

“Today shalt thou be with Me in paradise.” — Luke 23:43 It is the most definitive and personal approval to enter into eternal life, given to someone who was waiting for something else. He was hanging on the cross, about to die, must have been regretting all the wrongdoings of the past, and this point…

Voice of the Cross – Part 1

“Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” Luke 23:34 I have heard many sermons on this verse and the common theme of the message was to forgive others like Jesus forgave us. I think there’s a lot more to that and as I was reflecting on the verse, I saw a different…

Jesus prayed for you

You can imagine that night, in the garden of Gethsemane, where Jesus was alone with his disciples. For Jesus must have been extremely stressful night. To the disciples, He told them, “My soul is deeply grieved, so that I am almost dying of sorrow. Stay here and stay awake and keep watch with Me.” He…