I lift up my eyes to the mountains- where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth. Psalm 121
The psalmist in this verse is very clear as to – who our Helper is and from where does our Help come from. He waited on God and leaned on HIM.
But such is not the case with most of us; At least I was not this confident in waiting on the Lord. But thankfully this didn’t last long as Father trained me to go to Him for everything.
But before I go any further, let’s just take time, switch on our introspection mode and ask ourselves:
Whom do we, by default go to in the times of need? To parents, spouse, siblings, friends? Who is on our speed dial? Who do we look up to for help? If your answer is Jesus, then you are in a very good place, but there are few like me who run to our relatives or friends for help. Not running to God but to people happens at an unconscious level, like a pre-programmed thing. We seldom do it knowingly or on purpose.
But I thank God that He changed me inside out and enabled to go HIM for each and everything. In doing so, I learnt that it is a matter of habit. Putting our needs before Abba Father, asking HIM, seeking HIM is a matter of habit.
These verses have helped:
And do not set your heart on what you will eat or drink; do not worry about it… your Father knows that you need them. But seek his kingdom, and these things will be given to you as well. Luke 12: 29-31
Be anxious for nothing, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. Philippians 4:6
But as in most of the cases, I emphasize on the root of the problem. Not waiting on Lord is a problem, not knowing from where our help comes and who is our Helper is a problem. What is the root then?
In my experience, I have seen the root is at the belief level. Not believing that Lord Jesus Christ will help us is the problem. We ask the Lord for Help but when there is a delay in His reply, we take our own course of action, we don’t wait on HIM. In the below verse Lord Himself said:
If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask in prayer.” Matthew 21:22
Lord has given us a key here, that whatever you ask in prayer if you believe, you will receive it. Therefore it’s safe for me to say that waiting is a matter of belief. So allow Lord Jesus Christ to cure your belief system and waiting on the Lord will be easy.
Further, do we know where our help comes from? If a neighbour helps us in times of our need we presume, the neighbour has helped, they are so kind. Could it be that God is moving your neighbour’s heart to help you?
I remember an incident from my life: It was late at night and my neighbour’s kitchen caught fire, it was in flames and their LPG cylinder was right there under the table. Their house was in close proximity to my house. If their cylinder bursts, it could’ve caused direct damage to my house could and it could’ve ignited a terrible chain of events. The situation was desperate and by the time fire brigades came everybody tried their best to put the fire off but failed. I was there too, praying and asking Father to help us. And suddenly a man came out of my neighbour’s house and asked water from me to wash his hands and feet. I was amused as to who in these times asks for water to wash their hands and feet? Besides, I never saw him in the neighbourhood, this further amazed me. I gave him water; he washed his hands and feet left the premises. After he had gone, the fire was also 80% extinguished. No one knew how it had been put off! Later that night, as I was thinking, I realised it was an angel in the form of a man. At that moment I sensed how much Father loves HIS children that he sent HIS angel to help us. HE sure knows what HIS children need, HE provides for the right things at right times!
Looking upto the Father for help and waiting on HIM is the best thing to do because the results of waiting on HIM will amaze us. Besides He will never disappoint those who wait on HIM.
The above verse (Matthew 21:22) came true, Father knew what we needed and He sent His angel to help us.
Therefore I suggest, relax and blindly believe that Lord Jesus Christ will help!
Author: Shivani Sheth