I’m writing this piece with a heavy heart and reason being the prejudices created by the church leaders (some Pastors and preachers) based on status, ethnicity and social background. I have seen some creating divisions among the sheep in the name of the Lord for their own good. They will show favour some while ignoring the feeble.
To begin with, Lord Jesus prayed for all who believed in Him and died for all. He healed the rich and the poor, the Jews and the Gentiles, He did so without prejudice. His mercy, grace and compassion were available to all, for in his sight we are all equal. Therefore, I say that we are all same and equal before Abba Father in heaven, justified by faith in Lord Jesus alone. We cannot please our way to the Father except through our Saviour, Lord Jesus. We are not here to please the congregation or the pastor but to live life in accordance to the Father’s will!
Here are some of the verses amplifying what I mean:
There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.
Galatians 3:28
See what Saint Paul said in the above verse – you are all one in Christ. We are all one without any favouritism. Let no one fool you in this regard!
Again in Lord’s own Words;
And I do not pray for these alone, but also for those believing in ME…
John 17:20
In the above verse, whom is the Lord Master is praying for? He is praying for all those who believe in HIM. Did He anywhere specify that He is only praying for Jews or Egyptians? No! His prayer is for “all” who believe in HIM.
Yet another verse that amplifies His heart for His people:
The Spirit of YHWH is upon ME, because HE has anointed ME to bring the Good News to the poor. He has sent ME to heal the broken-hearted, to proclaim release to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to send away the crushed with a release…
Luke 4:18
Did the Lord say He will set Asians free? Or heal only Americans and proclaim the Good News only to the Russians? No! He is preaching, healing and delivering all those who are 1) captive or in bondage to the evil 2) broken hearted & crushed 3) and the needy (the poor and blind.) If the Lord Himself does not discriminate among His people why do we do that?
Dear reader, if any person, preacher or pastor tells you anything other than the Heart of Jesus for His people then do not believe them. Heart of Jesus is for all those who are poor, crushed, helpless, hopeless, and captives. He came for them, He died for them and rose for them irrespective of their background.
Some might wonder, why do I emphasize that Father in heaven does not discriminate between rich and poor or between Jew or Gentile. It is because our existence in front of Abba Father is purely based on the sacrifice of Lord Jesus. Without Him Father doesn’t recognize us. We will not find one bible verse that says we can escape judgement based on our ethnic background! We will be judged by our works and words!
Dear brothers and sisters, if any person, pastor or preacher makes you feel inferior, please do not succumb to them. You all are lovely precious souls to Abba Father and to our Lord. Any person making you feel inferior is lying to himself first and then to you. Beware of such people, and most importantly, let them not fool you. I pray to you Our Father in Heaven, that all those reading this article may know Your Heart for them and that how lovely and precious they are to you. In Jesus Name, Amen!
Author: Shivani