If we go way back in the days, where God was directly dealing and interacting with his chosen people, Psalms, apart from meditation and Holy reading, was used as a teaching book or instructions for youth and children. The Guidelines are simple and clearly mentioned, which the young people were made to memorize and learn as quick reference. The law of the land was based on these instructions, which can be seen as a perfect social and community living guidelines of those days.
Today’s challenge is that the “worldly ways” have tried to sideline these teaching or overrule them by proposing alternative ways of living. One of the excuses commonly heard in some of the Church Teaching is that the Old Testament is too old school way or they will say that Jesus has given the New Testament so, now the Old Testament becomes redundant. Some leaders confuse the congregation by saying that, Old Testament was only for Jews. St Paul wrote and warned us in Romans 1:22 that the world by professing themselves to be wise, they became fools. Old Testament is the word of God. Results of which are clearly visible to us.
Old Testament is the word of God. Results of which are clearly visible to us.
Author: Ajit Onawale