So *Mosheh said to YHWH, “Why have you done evil to Your Servant? And why have I not found favour in Your sight, to put the burden of all these people on me?
Was it I who conceived all these people? Was it I who brought them forth, that You should say to me,’ carry them in your bosom, as the foster father carries a nursing child, ’to the land which You swore to their fathers?
Numbers 11:11-12
So many times we go through situations in life that test our patience and our ability to keep calm and go on. So many times we come across people who test our patience and ability to keep calm. Mosheh, in the above verse, was going through such a challenging situation. Just imagine what he had to put up with! Here YHWH the Most High has mightily delivered the children of Israel out of the bondage of Pharaoh, shown many mighty miracles, including Personal appearances in a pillar of light, dwelling near them but all people of the camp could see was lack of meat. so they started crying out loud for meat!
It is also worthy to note that the was not crying was not because they were hungry or lacked the provision thereof. They were crying because they did not get what they used to eat in Egypt. Look at the intensity (high pitched) of the cry and cohesiveness with which they cried, all in one accord. They said who will give us flesh to eat?
And the mixt multitude that was among them fell a lusting: and the children of Israel also wept again, and said, Who shall give us flesh to eat? We remember the fish, which we did eat in Egypt freely; the cucumbers, and the melons, and the leeks, and the onions, and the garlick; But now our soul is dried away: there is nothing at all, beside this manna, before our eyes. Numbers11:4-6
Who shall give us flesh to eat? What a foolish thing to say! This statement displeased God and Moses both.
Imagine you are a kindergarten teacher and everyday, morning after morning you are faced with a room full of cranky, disobedient, difficult kids to deal with. How would you react or tackle the situation? Chances are, at some point you will loose your patience and punish a child harshly or even raise your hand. Unlike us Moses could have responded out of his anger but he acted differently.
Instead of lashing out at the people he took the matter to YHWH, who spoke face to face with him as a man speaks to his friend.
He said to God how he “felt” about the situation and how people acted. This is what I love about Moses. Instead of acting on his own he would take his feelings to GOD. What we can all learn here is “take your grievances to God, not to people”. No matter how difficult the situation is, take it to God first, wait for His response instead of taking things to people! Don’t remove your anger and frustration on people instead vent it out before God as Moshe did.
I do acknowledge that waiting on YHWH is not the easiest especially if it’s an emotionally demanding situation but, this is how our longsuffering is built! We suffer and yet patiently wait for God to answer. And I know when HE moves to answer it’s typically a huge life changing move of GOD.
Because see from scripture; what happened when God answered?
1) All that complained and lusted were struck by the plague sent by God.
2) Teaching for rest of the camp that lust is sinful and leads to wrath from YHWH.
Always know that when God moves He moves mightly, doing great things and not petty things. Do not expect petteir solutions from God for our problems, because HE doesn’t work like that. We need to gain more knowledge and understanding the work of HIS Hands. We may have to change our way of looking at YHWH. HE is a great GOD with great solutions (which usually takes time).
What I mean is, YHWH could have quieted those who lusted for flesh, but He knew If ‘I quieten them now it may erupt into a bigger problem in the future’ so HE did that which was right for the camp. Similarly, when we take things to Father in heaven, He will provide us with a very novel answer to our problems.
It takes time but it’s worth!
So , In sum, take your grievances to YHWH especially if you are a leader/preacher/pastor of a flock. Remember, we have received the gift of grace freely, let us also remember to shower it freely!
*YHWH- Yahweh Name of God
**Mosheh- Moses
Author: Shivani