For thine is the Kingdom, the power and the glory, for ever and ever. Matthew 6:14
Forever and ever is what eternity is about. Have you ever thought what eternity would mean and be like? We are so tuned to the fourth dimension of time on earth that it is difficult to imagine a place or an instance without time factor. For everything there is a starting point and there is an end point. Everything in its due course of time somehow ends or gets terminated. What will happen if there is no end point and it goes on and on. Eccl: 3:2, “A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted.” This verse is coming to an end soon. Our minds are yet to comprehend this and will take time to grasp it. Will the time stand still or will it be ever flowing? This is something that will be revealed in time to come? Will it cease to exist or will it be in a different dimension, this only time to come will tell.
The concept of time has a different connotation to a farmer than that to a scientist to a physician and a psychologist. The farmer has more relevance to time as season and a physician will explain the biological clock in the body with great interest, a psychologist looks into the past timeline of events to suggest the line of therapy. This is how the concept of time is ingrained in our lives. This concept of time will get terminated when eternity takes over. For ever and ever has to sink into our minds as we ask God to let His Kingdom be established for ever and ever.
As Eccl: 3:11 mentions, “He has made everything appropriate in its time. He has also put eternity in their hearts;”. We somehow tend to believe in this concept and accept it as a promise that will come to pass. This is how we are supposed to live, with our eyes on things above.
The power, glory and His Kingdom to be set for ever and ever.
Author:Ajiy Onawale