My people have perished for lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge, I reject you from being Kohen for ME. Since you have forgotten the Torah of your Elohim, I also forget your children.
(Hoshea 4:6)
Knowledge and understanding are very precious in the eyes of the LORD. HE honors our requests for more knowledge and more understanding about: HIM, HIS ways, How HE works, HIS will and desires for us are some of the things YHWH is willing to share with us through knowledge.
For example; Jesus Christ is Son of YHWH is knowledge! This is a revelation made to those who want to accept HIM as saviour is at knowledge level. It is like information given to us by the HolySpirit. Similarly there are many attributes of YHWH presented in the Bible are for our knowledge. Like: God is love, or God hates idol worship, God is merciful God, God hates pride, or He does not desire sacrifices of slaughterings but a broken and contrite spirit. All these verses give us knowledge (information / insight) about YHWH Himself and HIS ways.
This is what YHWH is telling Israel in the book of Hoshea: Because you have rejected knowledge, I reject you from being Kohen for ME.
Let’s examine what happens when we reject knowledge;
…For there is no truth or kindness or knowledge of ELOHIM in the land. Swearing and lying and murdering, and stealing and committing adultry, have increased and bloodshed follows bloodshed. (Hoshea 4:2)
See how the crime rate in Israel increased just because they reject the knowledge of Elohim and HIS ways!
We can learn from this instance that the first step to everlasting life is “knowledge of Elohim”. Do not reject knowledge of YHWH but seek to acquire more and more about YHWH and HIS ways, HIS Will, HIS Kingdom, HIM heart. This is the most assured way to live in everlasting peace with YHWH.
Remember, blessed are those who hunger and thrist…