I will not be shy in saying that I love Jesus. It’s not only because He saved me, but also for the love and compassion He has for His children. How do I know that Jesus Christ loves His children? No. 1 reason is from my personal experience. It was Jesus Christ who died for me on the cross. He took the stripes for me, took all my filthy sins, all the diseases and disorders for me. If anyone has ever got beaten up brutally will know the pain it causes. Lord Jesus took such beatings, for things He didn’t even commit! Can you imagine one person in your life who can do this for you? Well, in my case there was no one who did anything similar to this, let alone dying for me or taking the punishment for my sins.
Not only does His sacrifice for me makes me love Him, but how persistently He prunes, cleanses me from my sins and renews me, makes me love Him even more. And those who believe in the process of pruning will know it’s an ongoing process, and it requires persistence and patience from the Lord. I love HIM because He is patient and persistent with, not giving up on me.
Bible, further teaches us that Jesus Christ is a High Priest who is interceding for us. The word intercede is a present participle which means, it is happening right now, even as I write. All we have to do is to believe that HE is offering prayers of intercession for us right now.
For Christ Jesus, who died, and more than that was raised to life, is at the right hand of God—and He is interceding for us. (Romans 8:34)
Now coming back to my personal experience, I know that there is no one who loves me so much that, He not only gave all He had (Spirit, Soul, and Body) on the cross but also His eternal possession; i.e., His Kingdom that Father has given HIM.
Now if we are children, then we are heirs-heir of God and co-heir with Christ, if indeed we share in His sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory. (Romans 8:17)
Just imagine God in all His Glory and power and Holiness, majestically sitting on the Throne of mercy. At His right hand, there are tens of thousands of angels waiting for His commands to be carried out. The same God who created heavens, earth and everything in it, becomes human. Humbly born to a virgin, in an old manger, on a cold and shivering night, learns the ways of humans – eating like us, working like us, sleeping like us above all learning through the sufferings just like us. He took the ultimate cup of sins of the world, which separated Him from His FATHER in heaven!
Verse concepts: Hebrews 2:9, Matthew 16-27, Revelation1:12-16, Matthew 26:53, Hebrews 5:8, Luke 2:7
I have always believed that nothing in the world causes more pain than separation from our loved one. Jesus Christ went through the process of entering into a lowly body, being trained in the body to be sinless and ultimately had to separate from Abba Father- His LOVE! He gave HIS ALL ( Heavenly abode) for us, to give HIS ALL (eternal possession and kingdom) to us. I love Jesus for this sacrificial nature. I love Father for giving His Son to us and for us – Immanuel (God with us)
Now, who will love us so much to give us his all? Who will sacrifice for us? Do you know of anyone apart from your parents or relatives that have given their “all”, just because they love you? Do you know anybody at all who wants to just give, give and give? If your answer is no, but, would like to receive this wonderful love that Jesus has for you, then pray this and believe that it will happen: Father, reveal to the reader, the magnificent Love with which you love us in Jesus’ name.
This sacrificial nature of Jesus and Father makes me Love them. This is ‘one’ of my many reasons why I love Jesus.
Author: Shivani Sheth