This blog is for those who seek to come closer to Abba Father. For those who desire to revere Him.
Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom (Proverbs 9:10). I desired to be wise but I didn’t understand why should I fear our Creator. As I grew in the Word I understood that it’s reverential fear and not the scary ‘type’ of fear shown in horror films. This discernment brought great relief to me because I was not scared of Abba Father. I do honour Him and love Him in my own ways, but scared of Him?! I know some will disagree but I urge you to read on, I have given reasons why we should revere Him instead of being scared of Him. As Abba Father drew me closer to Him, He began to teach me about the need and importance of revering Him.
The first and basic verse in learning about the reverence is: Reverence of the YHWH(Yahweh) is the beginning of wisdom(Pro 9:10). Many English translations use the word ‘fear’ but Halleluyah Scriptures(Bible) uses the word reverence instead of fear. The word reverence makes more sense because the word fear is often interpreted as being ‘scared of’ or ‘afraid of’. We cannot be afraid of Abba Father for 2 simple reasons: 1) YHWH is love and 2) Perfect love casts out all fear(1 John4:8,18). Being scared of Him means being scared of His love because He is love! Should anyone be afraid of His magnificent, powerful love? Besides this, if we fear YHWH then, how can we come to close Him and or even receive love from Him? Let us look what St. Paul is asking us to do: in the below verse:
Therefore come boldly to the throne of favour, in order to receive compassion and find favour for timely help.- Hebrews 4:16
We have to come boldly to the throne to receive compassion! Its fear, I believe, that keeps us from 1) coming boldly to the throne 2) receiving compassion from our beloved Abba Father. Therefore, we can say that it’s not fear but the reverence of YHWH is what Elohim desires.
But before I go any further, let us first understand the meaning of the word reverence: it means deep respect for someone or something. This definition makes more sense especially when I read it in context to the below verse:
“Only revere YHWH, and you shall serve HIM in truth with all your heart, for consider what marvels He has done for you. 1 Samuel 12:24
When we respect Father and His work in our lives we give Him reverence. We are revering Him when we 1) worship Him in truth 2) when we go to Him alone for our each and every need 3) When we set our hearts to learn more about Him, to know His heart and His ways. 4) When we desire to walk in His ways we are revering Him.5) When we obey Him.
To do all of the above, we need Yahushua’s (Jesus’) help. In John15 Adonai has clearly stated that without Him we can do nothing. Even to revere Father we need Adonai because prophet Shemuel (Samuel) instructed Jews in the above verse to serve YHWH in truth. We know that Yahushua is the Way, the Truth and the life (John 14:6). Even though the prophet is speaking to Jews in the above verse, we can learn for ourselves what YHWH desires from his children.
Therefore, I can safely say we first need Yahushua to revere YHWH and that only HE can teach us reverence.
Let me share an example from my own life: I used to watch movies and shows and would sometimes binge-watch. I would enjoy the content in the shows and movies until one day when Yahushua convicted me. He said what do you enjoy so much in these things and as He was speaking, I sensed His disapproval. I Prayed and asked Adon to cleanse me from the garbage of these movies and shows and to forgive me for indulging in them. You see, If I serve the Holy One then I cannot enjoy the things that are against the Holy One- that reverence. Since then, I don’t watch any worldly content what so ever! (I can give a detailed account of how movies and shows mess up our thinking and how it pushes Abba Father away from us. If you are interested to know, then leave a comment.)
Now, one would ask me, why should I revere YHWH because nowhere in the bible does Father demands respect. Or you would ask: Is praying in the name of Yahushua, not enough?
The answer is simple and straight forward. Usually, most of us pray to Father and conclude prayers in Jesus’ name. We call Him Abba Father in prayers but don’t revere Him through our actions or lifestyle that we lead. Not showing reverence to YHWH is an age-old problem. It happened with Jews over the centuries and happens with us too. This we can learn from the below verse:
…If I am the Father, where is My esteem? And if I am an Adon, where is My reverence said YHWH of hosts to you kohenim (Priests) who despise My Name… Malachi 1:6
When I came across this verse, I was blown away by it. Here, Abba Father is saying If I’M your Father then where is My esteem? If you call Me Adon (Lord/Master) then where is My reverence? I was speechless, dumbstruck for some time. This verse came to me like a bomb and I was moved in spirit. So, to is this verse addressed It is for everyone who calls Him Abba Father or Adon. My dear fellows in Meshiach:- If you call YHWH your Father or Master(Lord) then this verse is for you!
Ever since I came across this verse, I consciously ask Father to teach me to revere Him and ask Adon to teach me to revere Father. Because honestly speaking our mind and our flesh don’t know how to do it. It is a spiritual matter whose results are seen in our behaviour. And believe me, Father is so faithful that whenever I forget about reverence, He gently brings me back on the track of reverence. It’s His great love and mercy that He keeps us on track!
Since then I began imploring on how to revere YHWH and I’m still in the process of doing so. I have experienced that when we earnestly ask Adon to help us, He answers our prayers. In this process of learning, Adon has revealed a few things such as :
Serving only YHWH and denying unrighteousness and wickedness reveres Him. Anything that makes us bow down before them is our master. Such things tend to demand our full attention and soon we start revering it. For e.g., if you revere any pastor more than YHWH Himself then you are not giving Elohim the esteem and reverence He deserves. Idolizing movie stars, singers, aspiring to be like them is all comes under reverence. Teenagers and youth have this tendency of idolizing some famous personality. The tendency is good but whom do we idolize matters. In my case, after I was washed and cleansed by Adonai, I wanted to be like Him, and King David and Moshe. I would often pray to give me virtues like these men. The boldness of David, Meekness of Moshe and Compassion of Yahushua. We can ask Father for these things. Furthermore; money, work, fashion, makeup, entertainment shows, movies, songs, selfish desires, etc., can be our master and we might revere them in place of YHWH.
I know some people who revere a pastor or a preacher more than Elohim. They take the pastor’s word as a final word without even consulting Adonai or YHWH once. Therefore, we must be very conscious of whom are we Idolize.
Another aspect that brings reverence is knowing Abba Father and His heart. When we know what’s in His heart and do the same then it brings YHWH much glory and esteem. In my case, pruning me to bear much fruit brings joy and pleasure to Father and so will it be with all those who allow Father to prune them (read John15 to know more about pruning). Casting off wickedness and sin nature also brings reverence to YHWH. I have noticed that we cannot cast off sin nature and wickedness on our own, we need Father to do it! In sum, Father only prunes us so that we can revere HIM. How amazing is that!
I believe, the more fruit we are bear the more it glorifies Father. The more we overcome, the more it will glorify Father, therefore Adonai said in John 15 that every time we bear fruit after Father’s pruning, it glorifies Him. Bearing fruit will result in revering YHWH and His ways. When we walk in righteousness we revere YHWH, when we love our neighbour we revere YHWH, when we refrain from speaking evil we revere YHWH, when we do good we revere YHWH.
These are some of the things that I’m learning, I hope it blesses the reader!
These verses help me learn reverence of YHWH:
- The reverence of YHWH is the beginning of wisdom- Proverbs 9:10
- Come you, little children, listen to me; let me teach you the reverence of YHWH.-Psalm 34:11
- See the eye of YHWH is on those revering HIM – Psalms 33:18
- You have given me the inheritance of those who revere you. – Psalms 61:5
- The reverence of YHWH is the discipline of wisdom – Proverbs 15:33
- The reverence of YHWH prolongs days, but the years of the wicked are shortened – Proverbs 10:27
- The fear of YHWH is fountain of Life –Proverbs 14:27
- …the reverence of YHWH that is HIS treasure. – Isaiah 33:6
- And His compassion is from generation to generation for those who revere HIM- Luke1: 50
- “But to you who revere My Name the Brilliance of Righteousness shall arise with healing in His wings, and you shall go out and leap with joy calves from the stall. – Malach 4:2
Author: Shivani