Give us this day our daily bread.
Matthew 6:11
Have you ever wondered how the daily bread comes to our table? It starts with the farmer and his animals who toils for days and tills the land, sows the grain, waits on the Lord for rains, and then sun to shine which results in growing of the crop and harvest. The chain continues with all the logistics, warehousing, trading and then it finally comes to our homes. The story continues with someone kneading, rolling, roasting and phew! Comes the daily bread on our table. This is the story of wheat to bread and kitchen to table. What we are actually asking the Lord is not about our needs and hunger alone. We are asking Him to take care of all this chain of activities so that the bread comes to our table.
Praying for daily bread is also taking one day at its time. We are asking the requirement for the day. During the Exodus, Manna, the food of angels was provided for the day. Each day took care of itself. Matthew 6:26, Which of you by worrying can add one cubit to his stature? And by asking for the day’s requirement, we leave the worry of tomorrow for tomorrows prayer. Worrying about the future will never add up to anything.
God’s Name, Yahweh Yireh, Immanuel, which means Lord Provides and God is with us are reflected when we say, Give us this day our daily bread. Who else other than the Father of the heavenly family will provide for His family? For our heavenly Father knows what you need, Matthew 6:8. This is a strong confession of your belief that God provides.
Author: Ajit Onawale